
Our associates are professional business services providers.

As an integral part of The Network they provide services that enable our member companies to complete
trade deals and expand into the associates' local markets at minimal cost and risk.

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After successful negotiations about products,
the completion of trade deals is done offline
between buyers and sellers just like the
normal international trading processes.

If buyers and/or suppliers need assistance in
completing these deals, they can contact our
Associates for any of the required services.

There are two groups of Associates

Assist in Completion of Trade Deals

Assists companies with international trade deals;
providing finance, insurance, inspection, testing,
shipping, freight forwarding and customs brokerage

Focus on Expansion in their Locality

Assists companies that want to expand into local markets;
providing legal, accounting, advertising, marketing,
consultancy, translation, real estate,
employment and other services.

Our Associates’ network is limited to five Associates per service in each city.

Associates are offered free memberships with the following conditions:

They must be able to
communicate in English
as well as the local language

Be knowledgeable in their
specific service and of good
reputation in their locality

Provide our members
with good services
at good prices

Promote The Network to
their clients

Associates offer local and global services to clients.

The Network generates additional revenues for Associates from inside and outside their local market.

Associates are the first point of contact for all companies from outside their area in need of their specific services.

Furthermore, in cooperation with other Associates offering the same services in other countries, form a global network
for their specific service, and become in a position to offer their local companies global services.

Associates abide by 1Point Commerce‘s Code of Ethics Code of Ethics and adhere to the highest standard of ethics of their respective professions.

If your company is passionate about helping businesses from other markets,
and you would like to be part of a global network for your service,
then click on the button below to apply.

To learn more about our business model, click here.

Become an Associate